Udruga Better Me announce the opening of the selection for the Training Course “Peers for Diversity”. This project will take place in Căsoia (Romania) on August 1st – 10th, 2024 and it will be hosted by our Romanian partner Ofensiva Tinerilor.
Aim of the project.
The Thematic Awareness Training – Peers for Diversity – is based on a peer education methodology, where the topics of diversity, interculturalism, and anti-discrimination are addressed and discovered. The Training Course is addressing youth workers and trainers, offering them theoretical and practical tools to use when training and organizing activities on the topic of diversity.
Participants in this training should be involved in youth work, either as staff or volunteers.
Participants will be selected according to their motivation to participate in the training and the willingness to be part of the learning journey. Fundamental is the interest on the topic of the project and the availability on carrying on dissemination.
How to apply?
In order to be selected for this project, there are two steps to carry on:
- Write an email to betterme.croatia@gmail.com writing a short motivation letter;
- Having a meeting in presence or online with out staff;
- Filling up an application form provided by the Romanian Organisation.
The deadline for this application is 30/06/2024, you can contact us at betterme.croatia@gmail.com or via Instagram/Facebook for fur