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Udruga Better Me and Associazione Culturale Luce a San Pietro ares happy to announce the implementation of the Youth Exchange “Youth Lucefest!” that will take place in San Pietro Magisano (Italy) from August 4th to 11th, 2024. We are going to select 1 group leader and 4 participants aged between 18-24 years old, Croatian citizens or legal resident in Croatia.
Two out of four participants must be from a rural area.
The project will take place in San Pietro Magisano in the south Italian region of Calabria. This village is famous for the Luceart festival, which is a festival of arts that made this calabrian village an important open space museum called WOW – Wall of Wonders. The festival aims to use arts as way ro renew and bring to new life a small rural area through Street Arts. International prize were assigned to this village, thanks to the several Murales and piece of arts produced from 2020. For further information
Contents of the project.
This youth Exchange foresees activities based on creating art through recycled materials, renewing the urban area of the town of San Pietro Magisano with the artistic skills of participants and changing their approach to arts by using recycled materials at zero cost. In particular, young people will have the possibility to learn about how to beautifying the rural areas thanks to experienced well named Italian Artists like “Testa di Latta”, Mistamark and Francesco Gabriele.
Profile of Participants
The selection criteria for this project are the following:
Group Leaders in age (18+);
- amateur artist or interested in fine arts, painting, sculpture;
- willing to achieve new skills and competence in arts;
- Communicative in English.
The same criteria applied to Young participants; in addition:
- young students, NEETS;
- with a strong interest in the environment and the topic of recycling;
- willingness and motivation to undertake new actions and activities at local level;
- participants with some previous experience in active citizenship at local level.
We are going to select at least two participants coming from rural areas.
Room, boards and Travel Reimbursement.
The Italian organisation is ensuring Rooms in private house in the center of San Pietro Magisano and they will provide three meals and coffee break. Moreover, the travel costs from Croatia to Italy will reimbursed up to €309
How to apply? When is the deadline?
The deadline for this application is the 30th of June, 2024. If needed, Udruga Better Me will extend this deadline furtherly. In order to apply, please fill up carefully the following application form.